The conversation further explores significant progress in LGBTQIA+ rights both in the US and India, with Bhawna and Alisha pointing out landmark rulings and legal advances that signify steps towards a more inclusive society.

Conversations for Change: Celebrating Pride with Bhawna Vats & Cameron Starman & Alisha Siddhartha!

In this month’s special episode of “Conversations for Change,” host Alisha delves into the heart of Pride, joined by Clovity’s own Sr. Director of Client Management, Cameron Starman, and Sr. Director of DEI Engagements and Partnerships, Bhawna Vats. Their candid discussion sheds light on the importance of allyship, the strides made toward inclusivity, and how Clovity champions the spirit of Pride year-long. For an in-depth experience and to witness this powerful conversation, watch the full video here.

Pride Month serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing fight for equality, recognition, and celebration of the LGBTQIA+ community. Bhawna Vats shares a personal and professional perspective on how Pride Month is not just a time for celebration but also a reminder to push for inclusivity and support within the workplace continuously. Through active listening, mentorship, and inclusive policies, Clovity strives to embody the spirit of Pride in its daily operations.

Cameron Starman emphasizes the commitment to sexual rights and LGBTQIA2S+ issues at Clovity, highlighting the company’s efforts to extend the celebration of Pride beyond June. He shares insight into the ongoing DEI initiatives and the importance of embedding these values into the company’s culture. This approach not only nurtures a supportive environment but also champions education and understanding within the community.

The conversation further explores significant progress in LGBTQIA+ rights both in the US and India, with Bhawna and Alisha pointing out landmark rulings and legal advances that signify steps towards a more inclusive society. Cameron also discusses the positive feedback from clients on Clovity’s DEI efforts, reinforcing the idea that inclusivity is not just ethically right but also beneficial for business.

As the discussion wraps up, both Bhawna and Cameron share their thoughts on how to support the LGBTQIA+ community further. The importance of continuous education, dialogue, and creating safe spaces is highlighted. Cameron speaks on encouraging clients to adopt inclusive practices, showcasing the tangible benefits of such environments.

Through this enlightening dialogue, “Conversations for Change” underlines the crucial role of active allyship and continuous efforts in championing diversity and inclusivity. Bhawna and Cameron’s insights point to a future where inclusivity benefits everyone and where being authentic and respectful enables a richer, more diverse community.

Remember, celebrating Pride and pushing for positive change isn’t limited to a single month; it’s a year-long commitment to making the world a more inclusive place for everyone. To hear more from our inspiring guests and to join us in making conversations for change, watch the full video now.

Clovity’s initiative to discuss and disseminate such vital messages through platforms like “Conversations for Change” reinforces the importance of dialogue in fostering understanding and inclusivity. As we celebrate Pride, let us commit to being active, visible, and vocal allies, not just in June but throughout the entire year.

Written by Alisha Siddhartha

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